New Zealand


Kia ora koutou

We are excited to announce that the SCBWI Australia East/New Zealand chapter has separated into two individual regional groups, reflecting our geographic differences, meaning that as of January 2023, SCBWI New Zealand is its own region. What does this mean for you? Your membership benefits continue to include access to all SCBWI events and opportunities. Our goal is to provide more opportunities for NZ SCBWI members that are specific and relevant to us here in Aotearoa, as well as building and strengthening community among our creators. Please keep an eye on your inbox for upcoming information and events. As our own region, our fully New Zealand-based committee has the advantage of technical support and resources from SCBWI International. This enables us to deliver information and local events more easily and with our community in mind. We look forward to growing and learning as we start this next chapter together. Ngā mihi nui SCBWI NZ Committee

NZ Webinars

Creative Get Togethers

Our committee

Join our Facebook group

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Coffee Get Togethers

Membership benefits

Jump into a quick overview of the benefits that SCBWI members can enjoy.

Becoming a translator

Translation: Some Frequently Asked Questions, by Avery Udagawa

Keep in touch

To inquire about local events, awards, or opportunities, please email { }

Keep in touch with SCBWI New Zealand

Receive the latest news and updates from SCBWI New Zealand regional community to you email.